Dye VL – AFT Vascular and Pigmented Lesions (Advanced Fluorescent Technology)

The narrowband spectrum is the optimal range for absorption into targeted chromophores Haemoglobin and Melanin making it ideal for treating epidermal vascular and pigmented lesions.

  • These optimal wavelengths use light energy to target chromophores. These are the molecules that give a lesion its colour. The energy is then transferred to heat creating a photo-thermal response.
  • In Vascular lesions (Spider Veins, telangiectasias) the Hemoglobin is our target. The Hemoglobin absorbs the light amited from the laser, the light then converts to heat creates blood coagulation which results in the vessel collapsing and clotting. The vessel will disappear or eventually fade over time. Multiple treatments can be required and results vary between each vessel.
  • In Pigmented lesions, we are targeting the Melanin. The Melanin absorbs the light causing the molecule Melanin to heat and shatter resulting in pigment lightening and or disappearance.
  • Alma AFT uses a special filtering system to convert previously unusable short-wavelength light into a part of the usable spectrum. The result is a uniform light pulse. Utilising lower energy levels to achieve minimal discomfort.

Recommended For:

  • Epidermal Vascular lesions
  • Pigmented lesions
  • Rosacea
  • Angioma
  • Port Wine Stains
  • Telangiectasia
  • Poikiloderma of Civatte

Time Allocation:

30-60 minutes


Results can be achieved 1-2 weeks post treatment with pigmentation and can sometimes be immediately with vascular lesions

This Depends on each individual concern. We Generally recommend 4-6 treatments two weeks apart, however your practitioner will be able to provide you with a better guide upon a personalised consultation

Areas of pigmentation will become darker post treatment, but then the spots will begin to clear leaving a more even skin tone, Avoid Sun Exposure after and between treatments. Advised to use UVA/UVB sunscreen

Face, Neck Décolletage. Face and Body can also be used to spot treat individual lesions

There will be little or no pain associated with your treatment and numbing is not required. Some sensation of warmth may be felt.