Cooled Long Pulsed Nd:YAG

Vascular Lesions

The Cooled Long Pulsed Nd: YAG module is designed for the treatment of superficial, deep, blood vessels and leg veins.

This laser has a continuous contact cooling mechanism that preserves the epidermis and dramatically improves patient comfort.

The Cooled Long Pulse emits laser pulses at 1064nm – the ultimate therapeutic wavelength for deep vascular lesions. When delivered to the deeper layers of the skin, the laser pulses then generate heat energy that collapse and destroy abnormal blood vessels.

Over time, the cells of the immune system eliminate the damaged blood vessels from the body. Coupled with pulse widths of up to 45 msec, treatments are fast, safe and accurate, yielding efficacious results with minimal downtime.

The laser specifically is designed to treat Oxygenated reddish telangiectasias and Deoxygenated bluish venule ectasia, reticular veins, superficial and deeper blood vessels using high-energy laser pulses.

Recommended For:

  • Benign vascular lesions
  • Dermal and Epidermal Lesions
  • Leg veins
  • Pseudofolliculitis Barbae

Time Allocation:

5-30 minutes


Results can be seen immediatley or can take up to 14 days

This Depends on each individual concern. We Generally recommend 4-6 treatments two weeks apart, however your practitioner will be able to provide you with a better guide upon a personalised consultation

Mild Erythema, Avoid Sun Exposure after and between treatments. Advised to use UVA/UVB sunscreen Treatment Areas: Can treat any vascular lesion within a 4mm diameter Face and Body

Cooled tip preserves the skin surface and dramatically increases patient comfort. Slight flicking or ‘elastic band’ feeling on the skin as the laser is fired, and some sensation of warmth can be felt.